Teen Mom Study: A Hybrid Cluster Randomized Trial

Teen Mom Study: A Hybrid Cluster Randomized Trial

Abigail Gamble, PhD

Associate Professor, Preventive Medicine, The University of Mississippi Medical Center

Primary aim of study: Determine the effect of #BabyLetsMove compared to usual WIC care on objective moderate-to-vigorous physical activity & blood pressure at 26- and 36-gestational weeks using a two-arm cluster randomized trial.

#BabyLetsMove is a multi-level, multicomponent digital health intervention including interactive self-monitoring, tailored skills, virtual peer health coaching, & commercialwearable device (ex. Fitbit, Apple Watch)

Diseases or conditions being studied: cardiometabolic disease prevention
Communities of focus: pregnant, Black adolescents enrolled in WIC
Study sites: select counties in Mississippi select counties in Mississippi
Study population: Pregnant, Black adolescents participating in the WIC program in Mississippi (MS)
Community or non-academic partners: WIC, MS Urban League, Catholic Charities, Black Women’s Health Imperative, SHE Project
Primary outcome: moderate-to-vigorous physical activity min/week; sedentary min/day
Outcome measures collected at: baseline (<16 weeks), 26 and 36 weeks gestation
Levels of action:
1) Individual-level (health behaviors)
2) Community (parks, gyms, & recreation)
3) Societal (government & social services – WIC Program)

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