Our scholars’ stories: Andrabi seeks to fill a gap in care for stroke survivors in Alabama’s Black Belt

Our scholars’ stories: Andrabi seeks to fill a gap in care for stroke survivors in Alabama’s Black Belt

African American communities have a higher prevalence of both hypertension and stroke than any other ethnicity. Alabama is among one of 11 states makes up part of the region known as the Stroke Belt where death from stroke is from 2 to 4 times greater than other states.

“Stroke is especially prominent among African American adults living in the Black Belt of rural Alabama,” says Mudasir Andrabi, Ph.D., Forge AHEAD Center scholar.

Andrabi, who is researching the needs and preferences of individuals living in rural Alabama on their post-stroke life management and blood pressure management.

A gap in post-stroke care

Data shows that seventy percent of stroke survivors are discharged from health care facilities, out of which, 40% are released without any community-based services.

“These rates worsen in rural areas due to the socio-demographics of persons living in these areas, including unavailability of services, unaffordable care, lack of transportation, and low socioeconomic status,” says Andrabi, who is an assistant professor at the University of Alabama’s Capstone College of Nursing.

 “Lack of health services makes post-stroke self-management for these individuals more challenging, leading to hypertension and recurrence of stroke.”

Mudasir Andrabi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Capstone College of Nursing, University of Alabama

Learn more about Andrabi. 

“Stroke is especially prominent among African American adults living in the Black Belt of rural Alabama.”

 Andrabi’s research study aims to address the critical gaps in managing stroke-related challenges among African American individuals aged 50 and above who have a documented diagnosis of chronic stroke and high blood pressure condition with mild to moderate disability. Approximately 15% to 20% of individuals will experience a stroke recurrence. According to a recent study, risk of stroke recurrence at 3 years is higher for Black individuals (17.4%) compared with non-Black individuals (14.7%) in the U.S.

With the right tools, self-management interventions can prevent 80% of stroke recurrences.

Andrabi’s why

During her previous work with African American individuals living in rural counties of Alabama, Andrabi says the community key leaders and participants “anecdotally mentioned a lack of services for individuals who have stroke and high blood pressure.”

Did you know?

African American communities have a higher prevalence of both hypertension and stroke than any other ethnicity.

They were reported to have poor management for high blood pressure and engaged in limited preventive behaviors like physical activity and adherence to the treatment.

“Moreover, there is minimal to no rehabilitation services available to these individuals’ post-stroke due to unaffordable co-pays and lack of insurance.”

Due to scarce resources, these individuals have poorer outcomes, including poor body balance, avoidance of physical activity due to fear of falling, and lack of knowledge and skills for alternate other suitable physical activities. Andrabi shared that they typically become dependent on family for their activities of daily living. They also seem to have poor control over their blood pressure in general. 

 “Since high blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke, these individuals often end up having a recurrence of stroke. Therefore, it was found to be a priority to help them manage their high blood pressure and post-stroke life as much as possible.”

Andrabi says she wants to empower individuals post-stroke to engage in health behaviors to reduce likelihood of stroke recurrence including reducing sedentary activities, appropriate exercise and medication adherence.

Interventions that prevent stroke recurrence and save lives

Interventions help stroke patients manage and improve their high blood pressure symptoms, physical and emotional stress, taking medication consistently, activities of daily living, and quality of life.

However, intervention strategies are not widely tested among older African American stroke survivors for the management of their post-stroke life and their high blood pressure management.

“We aim to develop a need-based intervention that will be tailored to the social determinants of health and culture of the African American aging populations of rural Alabama,” explains Andrabi.

The group plans to utilize basic technology and other resources available in Alabama’s rural counties. The intervention will be minimally expensive and can be delivered using a minimum health workforce.

Creating a program unique to the community

“Our study involves the community’s key members throughout the entire study including the needs assessment, intervention development, and delivery of intervention.”

To Andrabi’s knowledge, this study is a unique and innovative culturally tailored intervention that would be accessible and affordable for these underserved populations in Alabama at high risk for stroke recurrence.

Developing a cost-effective and accessible self-management program will aim to overcome barriers to health care accessibility and increase equity in the distribution of health care services within these geographically disadvantaged areas.

The overall study focuses on improving stroke survivors to manage their high blood pressure and challenges related to their post-stroke life to improve their health outcomes and quality of life.

Andrabi’s post-stroke self-management program

The post-stroke self-management program includes teaching important information via teleconferences, creating a unique exercise plan based on the severity of the stroke survivor’s disability, sending reminders through texts or calls depending on participant preference, and problem solve to address barriers that may prevent them from engaging in preventive health behaviors.


Andrabi says the main research question is to assess the needs of stroke survivors and develop the best intervention to address those needs. Components will be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of participants, such as:

  • Delivery of education to build learning related to management of high blood pressure and post-stroke life
  • Accessibility of the program in participants’ homes to overcome their lack of transportation and long distance from the health care facilities
  • Simplicity and the social relevance of the educational content
  • Reminders for educational sessions for their ease of understanding, especially among elderly individuals


Did you know?

Alabama is part of the Stroke Belt, where death is 2-4 times higher than other states.

  • Use of existing resources in counties, such as existing social groups, existing teleconference system, local produce, community halls, or church halls for indoor physical activity during unfavorable weather

All these components focus on overcoming the barriers of lack of insurance and unaffordability of care.

Testing a post-stroke self-management program

Ultimately, the goal of this project is to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a newly developed intervention for African American stroke survivors in rural Alabama.
In addition, the study involves the community members in every phase, building their capacity to run the program independently and enabling them to control their health.

Presley Visits Primary Care Practices in the Black Belt

Presley Visits Primary Care Practices in the Black Belt

Caroline Presley, M.D., MPH, Forge AHEAD project principal investigator, along with Macie Craft, RN, MSN, program manager in the Division of Preventive Medicine at UAB, recently visited primary care practices in the Black Belt area as part of Presley’s project on remotely-delivered Mindfulness-Based Diabetes Education for rural adults with uncontrolled diabetes and elevated distress.

Presley’s Research on Emotional Distress and Diabetes Management Highlighted at the ADA Scientific Sessions

Presley’s Research on Emotional Distress and Diabetes Management Highlighted at the ADA Scientific Sessions

At the 84th Scientific Session of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), Caroline Presley, M.D., project principal investigator at Forge AHEAD and assistant professor in Preventive Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, delivered a presentation titled “Emotional Distress and Insulin Initiation in the GRADE Trial.” Her presentation showcased findings from the Emotional Distress Substudy (EDS) of the GRADE (Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes) trial.

Key Findings from Presley’s GRADE EDS analyses:

  • Long-Term Study: Researchers followed 1,739 participants with Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) over three years, checking in with them every six months. During the three-year follow-up, 525 participants were expected to start long-acting insulin and 325 participants were expected to start rapid-acting insulin after reaching Hemoglobin A1c levels of higher than 7.5%.
  • Insulin initiation was lower than expected: One-third of participants did not start long-acting insulin and two-thirds of participants did not start rapid-acting insulin.
  • Emotional Distress was not associated with insulin initiation: The study found that emotional distress, including feelings of depression and specific worries about diabetes, was not related to a person’s decision about whether to start insulin.
  • Support is Key: Other strategies are needed to support individuals who need to start insulin to achieve better blood glucose control; these may include demonstrations and examples about insulin use, discussion about benefits of insulin therapy, and collaborative decision-making.

Presley’s research is a collaborative effort that includes contributions from Forge AHEAD MPI Andrea L. Cherrington, M.D., MPH, a renowned expert in diabetes care. Their joint work showcases the collaborative nature of the Forge AHEAD Center, bringing together diverse expertise to tackle complex health issues.

Richard R. Rubin Lecture and Award

Presley’s presentation was part of the prestigious Richard R. Rubin Lecture. During the ADA conference, Paula M. Trief, Ph.D., received the 2024 Richard R. Rubin Award for her outstanding contributions to understanding the behavioral aspects of diabetes.

Presley’s Work at Forge AHEAD

In addition to her impactful presentation at the ADA Scientific Sessions, Presley is leading a core FAC project. Her project, “Remotely-delivered Mindfulness-Based Diabetes Education for Rural Adults with Uncontrolled Diabetes and Elevated Distress,” aims to test the feasibility and acceptability of an integrated Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) program.

MBSR has been adapted to focus conditions, including hypertension and prediabetes, with a focus on relating mindfulness to specific behaviors or behavior change activities. However, few research studies have focused on rural populations with limited access to DSME. By combining MBSR and DSME, the project aims to help participants manage both their diabetes and their stress, improving their overall health and well-being.

Xie headshot

Caroline Presley, M.D., MPH

Assistant Professor, Division of Preventive Medicine, UAB Heersink School of Medicine

Learn more about Presley.

Type 2 Diabetes and Emotional Distress

Adults living with type 2 diabetes who are experiencing emotional distress, including feelings of depression and specific worries about diabetes, may experience poor health outcomes compared to those not experiencing emotional distress.

Presley presenting at the ADA Scientific Sessions.

Project Highlights:

  • Primary Aim: To evaluate how well this new approach works for rural Black adults with Type 2 Diabetes who also experience high levels of distress.
  • Study Locations: The program is being tested at Federally Qualified Health Centers in Alabama’s Black Belt region.
  • Participants: The study will enroll 80 Black adults with Type 2 Diabetes, high blood sugar levels (hemoglobin A1c of 8.0% or higher), and high levels of stress related to diabetes.
  • Community Partners: The Alabama Primary Health Care Association is helping to support and implement the study.
  • Outcome Measures: Researchers are looking at how practical and acceptable the program is, with evaluations at the beginning and six months into the study.

The Forge AHEAD Center is at the forefront of advancing health equity through innovative research and community engagement. Presley’s work at the ADA Scientific Sessions and her ongoing projects exemplify our commitment to improving health outcomes in underserved communities.

To learn more Presley’s impactful research on remotely-delivered diabetes education and support, and to get involved, visit her project page here. Together, we can forge ahead towards a healthier, more equitable future.

What are MBSR and DSME?

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): This program teaches mindfulness meditation, helping people focus on the present moment. It reduces stress by making them more aware of their thoughts and feelings without getting overwhelmed. Source

  • Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME): This ongoing program helps people with diabetes learn how to take care of themselves. It teaches important skills like checking blood sugar, eating healthy, staying active, taking medicine the right way, and avoiding problems. Source

Ellison presented with George Bray Obesity Research Student Award at Nutrition 2024 Conference

Ellison presented with George Bray Obesity Research Student Award at Nutrition 2024 Conference

Katie M. Ellison, MS, a doctoral student at UAB and mentee of FAC Core Project PI Drew Sayer, Ph.D., has received the prestigious George Bray Obesity Research Student Award at the Nutrition 2024 Conference in Chicago, where she presented her research on behavioral interventions in obesity treatment. Join us in congratulating Katie on this remarkable achievement. Read more about her achievement here.

From WNBA Dreams to Changing Lives: On A Mission to Promote Physical Activity

From WNBA Dreams to Changing Lives: On A Mission to Promote Physical Activity

As a child, Amber W. Kinsey, Ph.D., dreamed of playing professional basketball in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA). While her path led her elsewhere, her passion for sports ignited a lifelong mission to transform lives through physical activity and exercise.

Kinsey at a Las Vegas Aces WNBA game.


Now an assistant professor in the Division of Preventive Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Kinsey focuses her research on optimizing lifestyle interventions for cardiometabolic health among priority populations. Kinsey defines priority populations as “groups that are experiencing health disparities, underrepresented in research, and/or experiencing worse outcomes in response to interventions.”

At a recent UAB Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds presentation, Kinsey shared strategies for promoting physical activity among these populations. Her mission: To use physical activity and exercise as tools to empower others.

Xie headshot

Amber W. Kinsey, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Division of Preventive Medicine, UAB Heersink School of Medicine

Learn more about Kinsey.

What are Priority Populations?

Kinsey defines priority populations as “groups that are experiencing health disparities, underrepresented in research, and/or experiencing worse outcomes in response to interventions”.


“Not everyone has access to physical activity opportunities. We must consider the broader context – where people live, work, play, and other factors beyond one’s control – to understand what contributes to an active lifestyle.”

Understanding the Bigger Picture

“Not everyone has access to physical activity opportunities,” Kinsey said. “We must consider the broader context – where people live, work, play, and other factors beyond one’s control – to understand what contributes to an active lifestyle.”

While acknowledging the importance of addressing root causes of inactivity, Kinsey emphasizes that “to truly change health statistics, we need to focus on changing behaviors.”

Learning from Success Models

“In every community, there are some individuals who manage to maintain good health practices despite challenging circumstances,” Kinsey said. “Learning more about their strategies for success and using that information to develop programs may allow us to better help others facing similar challenges.” Some of her work on this topic can be found here.

Exercise Snacks

One of Kinsey’s creative strategies involves “exercise snacks” – brief bursts of activity lasting up to five minutes. These can include taking the stairs, doing jumping jacks, or performing bodyweight squats.

“Finding opportunities to move throughout the day is a great way to be more active,” Kinsey said. “While this concept isn’t new, framing it as ‘exercise snacks’ makes it fun and digestible – pun intended!”

A Gateway to Accessible Exercise

Kinsey is also reimagining traditional approaches to physical activity promotion. “For some health outcomes, consistent resistance training twice a week can be as effective as three to five days of aerobic exercise,” she noted. She goes on to say that “resistance training may be a good first step to getting people active”. “Some data suggests that priority populations prefer resistance training over cardio and may even experience better outcomes with resistance training for some health measures”, said Kinsey. 

Her two Forge AHEAD Center projects aim to make resistance training more accessible for priority populations.

Meeting People Where They Are

Kinsey’s work spans exercise science, behavioral medicine, and public health research. “We know physical activity and exercise are effective for improving health and wellbeing,” she said. “We need to figure out effective ways to help people stay active in ways that fit their unique lifestyle and circumstances.”

While she may not be competing in the WNBA, Kinsey is undoubtedly making significant strides towards improving public health, one exercise snack at a time.

Learn more about both of Kinsey’s Forge AHEAD Projects, OVERCOME-IT and an integrated cardiometabolic intervention, as well as her other research at UAB.

“For some health outcomes, consistent resistance training twice a week can be as effective as three to five days of aerobic exercise,”

What are Exercise Snacks?

Kinsey defines exercise snacks as brief bursts of physical activity lasting up to five minutes that can be incorporated throughout the day.

Kinsey putting up some shots after completing her resistance training workout at the gym.

Xie Aims to Bridge Gap Between Science and Community Health

Xie Aims to Bridge Gap Between Science and Community Health

In a region grappling with persistent health disparities, Rongbing Xie, DrPH, MPH, a scholar at the Forge AHEAD Center, is working to bring academic studies closer to the communities they aim to serve. Xie recently participated in the 2024 Community Engaged Research Summer Institute, hosted by the Mississippi Center for Clinical and Translational Research (MCCTR) at the University of Southern Mississippi, designed to enhance community engagement in health research.

The institute provided Xie with new perspectives on conducting impactful research.

From Academia to Action

Xie anticipates her experience and skills gained through the Summer Institute will significantly influence her current research. Specifically, she will be able to “develop more effective strategies for recruiting and retaining participants, particularly among underserved populations.”

At the institute, Xie and her fellow scholars engaged in hands-on community research practices. She plans to incorporate these strategies into her future work, including focus groups and community advisory boards.

“I plan to adopt the comprehensive community engagement strategies learned during the institute to ensure that community voices are heard and incorporated at every stage of my research projects,” she explained. “This includes conducting focus groups, community advisory boards and regular feedback sessions.”

The Power of Mentorship

Xie’s experience was enriched by mentorship from experts like Forge AHEAD Community Engagement Core lead Caroline Compretta, Ph.D.

“Working with Dr. Caroline Compretta during the MCCTR Summer Institute has been an eye-opening experience,” Xie said. “Her expertise in community engagement and outreach has significantly influenced my approach to involving communities in my research.”

This mentorship reinforced for Xie the importance of community partnerships in research.

Xie headshot

Rongbing Xie, DrPh, MPH

Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, UAB Heersink School of Medicine

Learn more about Xie.

“The most valuable lesson I took away from the institute is the critical importance of integrating community perspectives into every phase of the research process.”

A Lesson for Life

As the institute drew to a close, Xie carried with her a profound realization: the community isn’t just the subject of research – they’re partners in the journey to better health.

“The most valuable lesson I took away from the institute is the critical importance of integrating community perspectives into every phase of the research process,” she explains. “This approach not only enhances the relevance and impact of the research but also fosters trust and cooperation between researchers and community members.”

Why This Matters

Xie’s experience at the Summer Institute has implications far beyond her individual research. The health challenges she’s addressing – obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure – affect communities across America, with some groups disproportionately impacted.

By fostering stronger connections between researchers and communities, initiatives like the MCCTR Summer Institute aim to create more effective, culturally sensitive interventions. This approach could lead to improved health outcomes and a reduction in long-standing health inequities.

A Call to Action

Xie’s journey highlights the need for collaboration between researchers, community leaders, and citizens in tackling public health challenges. As she returns to her work with her Forge AHEAD projects, her experience serves as a reminder of the potential for academic research to drive meaningful change when rooted in community engagement.

What is Community-Based Participatory Research?

Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) is a collaborative approach that combines knowledge and action to improve community health and reduce disparities.

Key Features:

  • Equal Partnership: Community members and researchers share power and responsibility throughout the research process.
  • Cultural Relevance: Methods and interventions are tailored to fit the cultural context of the community.
  • Community Focused: Research addresses issues important to the community.
  • Empowerment: Builds on community strengths and resources.
  • Action and Change: Uses results to promote social change and improve health.
  • Sustainability: Aims for long-term benefits and lasting relationships.

CBPR makes research more ethical, relevant, and beneficial by actively involving communities and addressing their specific needs.

For more information, refer to the article “Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR): Towards Equitable Involvement of Community in Psychology Research” published in American Psychologist.


2024 Community Engaged Research Summer Institute Participants

Xie presenting one of her Forge AHEAD projects at the Summer Institute

Forge AHEAD Center Announces Fourth Cohort of Scholars Focused on HIV

Forge AHEAD Center Announces Fourth Cohort of Scholars Focused on HIV

The Forge AHEAD Center (FAC) is delighted to introduce the recipients of its pilot funding for the fourth cohort, with a specific focus on HIV prevention and management in the Deep South.

These four early-stage investigators were selected for their groundbreaking research aimed at addressing critical public health issues related to HIV.

Their work aligns perfectly with the Forge AHEAD Center’s mission of reducing health disparities and fostering healthier communities through innovative research endeavors.

Introducing the Fourth Cohort Scholars

We are honored to recognize the following outstanding researchers, whose projects all center around improving health outcomes for people living with HIV:

Kristen Allen-Watts, Ph.D. headshot

Kristen Allen-Watts, Ph.D.
Assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Project: “Peer MODELS: (Managing a Community-based HIV, Diabetes, and pain intervention that Encourages healthy Living and provides Support), for PWH and T2D in the setting of chronic pain”

Headshot of Dr. Donald Gerke

Donny Gerke, Ph.D.
Assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Project: “Facilitated Stable Housing as a Strategy for Uptake and Sustainment of Evidence-Based HIV and Cardiometabolic Medicine in People with HIV”

Headshot of Gravett

Matt Gravett, M.D.
Assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Project: “Laying the Foundation for PrEP in Urgent Care Settings”

Xie headshot

Rongbing Xie, DrPH
Assistant professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Project: “Enhancing Recruitment and Retention for Black Females with HIV: Identifying Barriers, Facilitators, and the Role of Social Determinants for the Willingness to Participate in the HEALTH Study”

Empowering Scholarly Success

The Forge AHEAD Center is committed to fostering a supportive environment for our scholars. Each recipient will receive both strategic guidance and mentorship throughout their research journey. This comprehensive approach empowers them to translate their visions into impactful research that holds the potential to make a significant contribution to reducing HIV-related health disparities across the Deep South.

Investing in the Future of HIV/AIDS Health

By funding these groundbreaking projects, the Forge AHEAD Center demonstrates its unwavering dedication to advancing health equity and improving the well-being of individuals living with HIV across the South. We are confident that the work of our fourth cohort will have a lasting positive impact on our communities.

Stay Connected!

For more details about the scholars and their research endeavors, please visit this page. We are actively seeking talented investigators for upcoming funding cycles. Early-stage investigators interested in applying for pilot awards are encouraged to visit our website for application guidelines and deadlines. The RFA for Cohort 5 is currently open, with Letters of Intent due on June 25, 2024.

Katie Ellison’s Journey: Triumph, Mentorship, and the George Bray Obesity Research Award

Katie Ellison’s Journey: Triumph, Mentorship, and the George Bray Obesity Research Award

Katie M. Ellison, M.S., a doctoral student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), is on a remarkable journey that blends personal struggles with professional triumphs. This journey will soon be celebrated on the grand stage of the Nutrition 2024 conference in Chicago, IL, where she will receive the prestigious George Bray Obesity Research Student Award.

This award not only recognizes her groundbreaking work but also underscores the vital mentorship of FAC Core Project Principal Investigator Drew Sayer, Ph.D., whose guidance has been essential in her journey.

The Mentor’s Influence

Ellison speaks about the profound impact Sayer has had on her career. “Dr. Sayer has significantly shaped my approach to research and my professional growth,” she shared. “One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned from him is the importance of perseverance and curiosity in scientific research.” Sayer, who found his passion for public health early on, said, “Even during my undergraduate years, I was more drawn to the public health implications of healthy eating and physical activity than just sports performance. Obesity research felt like a natural fit.”

Ellison’s enthusiasm and commitment have been evident from the start. “Katie has that ‘it factor’ that’s hard to describe but easy to recognize. Her enthusiasm for this work is infectious, and her genuine desire to improve lives brings a unique perspective,” Sayer noted.

Katie Ellison (right) with her mentor Drew Sayer, Ph.D. (second from right), and colleagues at a research presentation.

A Personal Motivation

Ellison’s passion for obesity research is deeply personal, stemming from her own battles with weight. “I was inspired to pursue a career in nutrition sciences and obesity research because of my personal journey with weight loss and the challenges I faced,” she explained. “I have seen firsthand the profound impact that obesity can have on individuals and their families. This experience has fueled my determination to help others overcome similar struggles.”

Did You Know?

Dr. George Bray was the founding Executive Director of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, a Forge AHEAD partner institution, and is internationally recognized for his research in obesity. The George Bray Obesity Research Student Award, endowed by Dr. Bray and his wife Marilyn, continues to honor his legacy by recognizing outstanding student research in obesity.

Award and Research Focus

Receiving the George Bray Obesity Research Student Award is a pivotal milestone for Ellison. “I was incredibly honored and excited to learn that I was receiving the George Bray Obesity Research Student Award. I believe my research stood out because it addresses a critical gap in understanding the behavioral aspects of obesity,” Ellison said.

Her work aims to uncover strategies that can improve health outcomes for individuals struggling with obesity. “My research aims to understand how specific behavioral strategies can improve weight loss outcomes and overall health in individuals with obesity. My own journey taught me the importance of sustainable lifestyle changes, and I hope this work will contribute to more effective treatment protocols for obesity,” she elaborated. Her work is not just about data; it’s about changing lives.


Sayer highlighted the significance of this achievement, saying, “George Bray is a pioneer in obesity research and receiving an award bearing his name is a tremendous accomplishment for Katie and a testament to the quality of her work. There is a lot of interest in the concept of ‘precision nutrition’ in obesity research treatment. I hope that this award signals a growing interest and emphasis on innovative experimental designs that can bridge the translational gap between traditional clinical research and the delivery of adaptive and personalized care to people living with obesity.”

Future Aspirations

Looking ahead, Ellison has clear goals. “Following this award, my aspirations are to further explore innovative behavioral interventions that can be integrated into clinical practice. I plan to build on my current research to develop comprehensive treatment strategies that address the multifaceted nature of obesity.” Her vision is one of a healthier future for all, where effective treatment strategies can lead to lasting health improvements.

Ellison’s recognition with the George Bray Obesity Research Student Award is a testament to her perseverance, the mentorship she received, and her dedication to making a difference. Her work, guided by Sayer, exemplifies the spirit of collaboration and innovation at Forge AHEAD. As Ellison continues her journey, her contributions are set to shape the future of obesity treatment, offering hope and better health outcomes.

Katie Ellison’s story is one of courage, determination, and the transformative power of mentorship. It highlights the importance of resilience, curiosity, and the incredible impact of one person’s dedication.

“Dr. Sayer has significantly influenced my approach to research and my professional development. One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned from him is the importance of perseverance and curiosity in scientific research.” – Katie Ellison

Addressing racism in cardiometabolic health research

Addressing racism in cardiometabolic health research

Pennington Biomedical Research Center hosted Michele Allen, M.D., and Kene Orakwue, MPH for the Forge AHEAD April seminar where they presented on their innovative approaches to combatting health disparities, building on a framework that acknowledges the deep impact that racism has on health outcomes.

Allen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School and MPI for the C2DREAM Center, provided an in-depth overview of the center’s objectives and methods, emphasizing their proactive stance against racism in health research.

She noted, “We are striving to advance this field… We have significant partnerships with indigenous groups, reflecting our commitment to anti-colonial perspectives and the parallels among indigenous, Black, and immigrant communities.” This underscores the center’s dedication to inclusivity and diversity in health research, acknowledging various dimensions of racism and colonial impacts.

Allen further emphasized the critical need for incorporating a framework that considers racism in health research, stating, “To dismantle racism, we must understand how it functions and manifests, not only within communities but also within our research endeavors.

It is essential for health equity researchers to consider racism both as a social determinant of health and in how it influences our research methodologies.” This serves as a crucial reminder of the systemic nature of racism and its extensive impact on health disparities.

Structural racism and its impact on health outcomes

Orakwue, doctoral student at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, enhanced the dialogue by introducing a detailed framework demonstrating how structural racism affects health outcomes. Orakwue stressed the need for a structural analysis of racism, stating, “It’s crucial to consider racism at a structural level, as health inequities often emerge not just from momentary snapshots but from longstanding systemic issues.” This insight is vital for understanding the prolonged and systemic nature of health disparities driven by racism.

Orakwue also highlighted the complexity of racism, adding, “Racism manifests in various forms; it upholds white supremacy and different oppressive systems, depending on the targeted population… How do we start to address these multifaceted issues?” Her discussion points to the need for a comprehensive approach to tackle racism effectively.

Concluding insights

In her concluding remarks, Allen emphasized the significance of these discussions and frameworks in progressing the battle against health disparities. She affirmed, “This work is foundational to our operations and essential for our continuous efforts to effectively address racial inequities in health. We must persistently refine our understanding and methodologies to ensure our research and interventions are both effective and equitable.”

Facilitating ongoing dialogues on health inequity

These insights from C2DREAM resonate deeply with Forge AHEAD’s mission to challenge health inequities through informed and inclusive research methodologies. By sharing and deliberating on these strategies, Forge AHEAD seeks to deepen the community’s understanding of and engagement with these critical issues.

Engage and discover more

Forge AHEAD invites the community to participate in the upcoming fall seminar series, designed to further explore these and similar themes. This series provides a platform for community members, researchers, and policymakers to actively engage with the challenges and progress in addressing health disparities influenced by systemic racism. We also encourage viewing the recap of our seminar presentations to gain additional insights into how these discussions are evolving and influencing our approach to health equity.

Forge AHEAD is dedicated not only to discussing these issues but also to implementing practical and impactful strategies that address them at the systemic level, ensuring a healthier future for all communities. Join us in this pivotal conversation and be part of the change.

View the recording of the May seminar below:

Our Scholars’ stories: Lai tests virtual reality gaming exercise benefits at a local high school for youth with disabilities

Lai tests virtual reality gaming exercise benefits at a local high school for youth with disabilities

Byron Lai, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Division of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, is researching a new way to help children with disabilities stay healthy.

Lai’s project, “Preliminary implementation and development of an enjoyable virtual reality exercise program for the prevention of cardiometabolic disease among children with disabilities in school settings,” allows participants to do their rehabilitation exercises through video games.

The goal is to see if virtual reality gaming and exercise can help children with disabilities avoid health problems related to their heart and metabolism.

Video games that improve health

“The purpose of the project is to work with a community engagement group to develop a protocol for implementing a research-tested therapeutic exercise program for youth with disabilities at a high school,” says Lai.

Lai is testing this exercise program in a special physical education class at a high school. He wants to see what impacts the program has on exercise-related outcomes like physical strength and how well the heart and lungs work.

A total of 12 children will be included in the study to start. This project will include a Community Engagement Group of three members from the school where the intervention will be delivered, a child with cerebral palsy, their caregiver, and a Special Physical Education teacher.

“The project is being supported by school staff and, most importantly, being delivered by a young man with a physical and cognitive disability, who was a student at the high school,” says Lai.

“Should this project be successful, it could open up a means for employment for youth with disabilities, when the project is delivered on a national scale. This project is also the first collaborative project with the community by the Division of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine at UAB and Children’s Hospital of Alabama, which could open doors for further projects and services.”

Lai says the group will meet regularly to talk about how the program is delivered and what changes might be needed.

If this study shows the exercise program works well, Lai will use the study results to apply for additional funding to conduct a larger study to confirm if it really helps kids with disabilities stay healthy. “This project will serve as a model for helping other schools in a larger trial,” he says.

The findings of this study will inform an upcoming NIHR01 application to confirm the effectiveness of the virtual reality exercise program on cardiometabolic health among children with physical disabilities.