Remotely Delivered Resistance Training for Cardiometabolic Health among Black Women: A Pilot Trial (OVERCOME-IT)

Remotely Delivered Resistance Training for Cardiometabolic Health among Black Women: A Pilot Trial (OVERCOME-IT)

Amber Kinsey, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Preventive Medicine, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Primary study aim: Examine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of the remotely-delivered resistance training (RT) intervention.

Leverage remote delivery using a commercially available platform to provide foundational skills for RT to overcome barriers to traditional RT

Diseases/conditions being studied: overweight/obesity, prediabetes/diabetes, prehypertension/hypertension
Communities of focus: Black women with elevated cardiometabolic risk living in Birmingham-metro area
Study sites: Birmingham, AL
Study population: Black women with elevated cardiometabolic risk in the Birmingham, Alabama (AL) metro area
Primary outcome: feasibility, acceptability, patient-reported outcomes
Outcome measures collected at: 0 and 4 months
Community or non-academic partners: Collaborate to recruit via local organizations
Levels of action:
1) Individual-level (health behaviors)
2) Interpersonal (communication and education with trainer, household environment)

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